Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (2024)

Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (1)

Horrible Histories takes a look at life from the dinner table to the workplace and even the dance floor, as well as tackling the history of the day's contemporary hot topics.


Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (2)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (3)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (4)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (5)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (6)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (7)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (8)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (9)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (10)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (11)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (12)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (13)

Anchor 1


Production of the ninth series was halted by the pandemic and so was split over 2020 - 21. The first 6 episodes were aired separately to coincide with a historic day or celebration. This includes episodes 1-3 which were produced under coronavirus restrictions and so became 'animated specials', combined with some green-screen performances from the cast. As was the BBC centenary special, airing last in 2022. In a change to format, three of the four animated specials were 15 minutes in length, compared to the usual 28 minutes. The series also saw a new puppeteer for Rattus Rattus, who was absent from six episodes.

Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (14)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (15)

Series 9 Episode 1

British Black History Animated Special

Horrible Histories charts the contribution of Black people to British life throughout history. How did African soldiers come to be guarding Hadrian’s Wall? Why was a West African diver asked to help salvage Henry VIII's ship?

Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (16)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (17)

Series 9 Episode 2

Gruesome Guide to Growing Up Animated Special

Horrible Histories delves into the not-so-easy lives of children throughout history; featuring a video call with some of the ancient world's strictest parents.

Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (18)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (19)

Series 9 Episode 3

Protesting with Pankhurst Animated Special

Emmeline Pankhurst is our guide through the history of protest; featuring Luddites, Cheese Riots and four incredible female protesters.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (21)

Series 9 Episode 4

Precious Planet

Charles Darwin presents a special show, as Horrible Histories takes a timely look at our planet and how we’ve behaved towards it throughout history.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (23)

Series 9 Episode 5

Dastardly Dance

Strictly’s Shirley Ballas joins Rattus for a waltz through the history of dance, with Bruno Tonioli as Nero, who had his dance teacher killed, and Queen Vic’s Highland reel!

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (25)

Series 9 Episode 6

Cracking Christmas

Horrible Histories brings you a cracking Christmas special, delving into the origins of the festive season.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (27)

Series 9 Episode 7

Foul Feasting

Horrible Histories serves up the history of foul feasting, from Stone Age lentils to Queen Victoria’s anti-fart bread.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (29)

Series 9 Episode 8

Infectious Influencers

From Cleopatra’s hairdo to Elizabeth I’s flushing loo, meet history’s biggest Influencers.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (31)

Series 9 Episode 9

Banging Bling

From Henry VIII’s wine fountain, to Empress Dowager’s marble boat, Horrible Histories talks money, jewellery and untold treasures.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (33)

Series 9 Episode 10

Diabolical Daily Life

Daily life can be a bit of a grind, but not as much as it was in the past! Rattus takes us round the clock, revealing daily routines throughout history, from waking in Ancient Egypt to Medieval Loo Man.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (35)

Series 9 Episode 11

Monstrous Myths

Count Rattula guides us through some of history’s greatest myths and monsters, including Henry VIII’s Robin Hood obsession and ancient ghostbusters.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (37)

Series 9 Episode 12

Big BBC Birthday Bonanza Animated Special

On Auntie’s Big Birthday, Horrible Histories celebrates the Corporation’s past century packed with fascinating facts and jokes.


Highlights specials

Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (38)
Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (39)

Series 9 Episode 13

Henry & Liz's Family Face-Off Special

Terrible Tudors King Henry VIII and his daughter Queen Elizabeth I bicker about who was the best ruler.

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (41)

Series 9 Episode 14

Cursed Careers Special

Rattus considers a career change, and luckily he has the whole of history to look through for ideas. Could he be an inventor like Babbage, or is the pirate life for him?

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Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (43)

Series 9 Episode 15

Smash Hit Songs Special

Rattus has an idea that might make him millions – he is going to launch a streaming service. However, to make Ratify a success, he is going to need some great songs from history.



Videos & lyrics

Series 9 playlist

Extra content

Extra clips

Behind the scenes

Cast & crew


Series 9 featured the shows largest and most diverse cast yet. There were several new additions to the team, including Dave Chapman who appeared in some episodes to voice Rattus Rattus. The first three animated specials were made up of a slightly different team; below is the cast and crew from episodes 4 up.




Robert Rinder

Bruno Tonioli

Shirley Ballas

More TBA...

Divian Ladwa

Ethan Lawrence

Kiell Smith-Bynoe

Inel Tomlinson

Sophie Wu

More TBA...

Emily Lloyd - Saini

Harrie Hayes

James McNicholas

Jessica Ransom

Paul G Raymond

Richard David-Caine

Timmika Ramsay

Tom Stourton

Verona Rose



Dave Chapman


Jon Culshaw

Chris Chan

Sophie Wu



Ben Ward (Lead)

Howard Read

Jack Bernhardt

Jessica Ransom

Lucy Clarke

Max Olseker

Susie Donkin

Athena Kugblenu

Claire Wetton

Gabby Hutchinson-Crouch


Gordon Anderson


Simon Wilson


Simon Rogers


Matt Lamont


Melissa Hardinge (for CBBC)

Richard Bradley (for lion TV)

Simon Welton (for Lion TV)


Duncan O'Neill

Gary Smith

James Cooper

James Lagen


Greg James


Richie Webb


Lucie Pankhurst




Anjali Vyas-Brannick was a researcher on the show; due to a production error he did not get a screen credit.


Episodes 1-3, which were produced under coronavirus restrictions, had a different cast and crew to the rest of the series.




Kayode Ewumi

Akemnji Ndifornyen

Javone Prince

Oliver Wellington

Richard David-Caine

James McNicholas

Dominique Moore

Jessica Ransom

Verona Rose

Tom Stourton

Gemma Whelan

Kiell Smith-Bynoe

Esmay Francis

Lily Gaffney

Harrie Hayes

Emily Lloyd-Saini

Jay-Jay Prince

Daniel Lawrence-Taylor

Paul G Raymond

Ben Ward (Lead)

James McNicholas

Celia Morgan

Jessica Ransom

Howard Read

Claire Wetton


Matt Holt


Simon Wilson


Lisa Mitchell


Jim Hampton


Richie Webb




Lucie Pankhurst




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Horrible Histories Series 9 Episode 1 - British Black History Animated Special

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Horrible Histories Series 9 Episode 4 - Precious Planet - 2 Charles Darwin

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Horrible Histories Series 9 Episode 4 - Precious Planet - 10 Henry VIII

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Horrible Histories Series 9 Episode 4 - Precious Planet - 12 The Gone Show

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Horrible Histories Series 9 Episode 5 - Dastardly Dance - 11 Puritan Cops Maypole Division

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horrible histories s09e05 darsardly dance promo 2

Horrible Histories TV | Series 9 (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.