The Perfect Storm - Chapter 52 - thereddqueen - InuYasha (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 52: Twilight

The dark halls of the grand palace in Thebes were quiet except for the nearly silent footsteps of the bare feet that graced the long walkway. The city was asleep, and the people were all slumbering peacefully now that order and faith had been restored throughout Egypt. The Land of Kings was back in the hands of its true Pharaoh. It took quite some time to calm the fears of her people. It took double the time to get rid of all the bad blood clogging the forward progression of Egypt. However, Egypt proved to be resilient and forever changing. The old heads had been confronted and power had shifted in the streets to be taken up by fresh eyes and hands. New faces were hired to look over the various affairs of Egypt and its Pharaoh. Respect had been taken away from those once trusted and put into the hands that deserved and earned it. Everything had finally entered a calm that had Ororo on edge slightly and unable to sleep that night.

The night was still. The darkness blanketed the movement of its daughter through the palace. The glow from a pit fire illuminated the hieroglyphics and art murals that had been commissioned by the Pharaohs of the past during their reigns. A gentle warm breeze wafted in through the open windows and doors leading out onto the balconies of the private quarter. Its tender touch ghosted over her bare shoulders, a loving nudge of support from the Gods above. The hem of her dress brushed the floor as she searched for the one piece that could quiet the doubts in her head. Great scenes and words of wisdom were etched colorfully in the limestone, marble, granite, and gold walls near the large pools of reflection that led into the private gardens. Each one was magnificent in its own way and told a moral to be treasured and adhered to.

Finally, she stopped before the message she searched for. Soft fingers touched a passage that shined so vividly above the rest. Ororo stood quietly in the darkened hallway gazing longingly at the scene before her. So many thoughts raced through her mind that evening yet now they all seemed to vanish as she looked upon the artwork that only a man of the heavens truly in love could inspire. Azure irises soaked in the royal colors and the beautiful textures unlike any of the other murals that lined the halls. Its grandeur seemingly shined from within and spoke to her soul. This passage had always left her breathless since she was a young child seated on the hip of her mother. She smiled as she traced the smile of the female and the male depicted in the image. She giggled to herself and bit her lip at the irony she found in their shared situation. Her lips moved with silent notes whispered upon them as she read the texts. Her hand moved along the areas that she could reach hoping that somehow by osmosis, wisdom and courage would fill her. And that was how her mate found her.

Sesshomaru strode forward as he studied his mate in the semi-darkness. His feet had brought him to a halt just a few meters from where she stood. His eyes lit in the dark to soak in her striking beauty and the beautiful image she made. Her body was free of adornment and draped in purple fabric that left her shoulders bare and the tops of her breasts visible. Ororo's voluminous snowy hair was left to hang down her back and over her shoulders like the soft cotton that grew in Egypt. Her toasted almond-like skin shined under the glow of the torch she carried that lit the wall before her. The deepest of oceans gazed merrily at the image on the wall. Her plump lips were pulled into a light smile and moved as her eyes glided over the engraved words written in stone.

Ororo had been restless all day and he knew it had much to do with the possibility of going home tomorrow. He sensed her readiness and her anxiety as the subject was brought up in various conversations. He noticed the uncertain look in her eyes as she sat quietly that evening drinking her spicy tea and staring out into the city. He knew from experience what she was going through and how that warred with her sense of duty. It was never easy to leave one's birthright in the hands of another. But now she seemed to have found the answers she needed. Her aura was calm and finally so was her mind. Their connection was soothing, and he could sense the peace slowly sinking into her bones. He stepped forward into the hall and made his way to her form. He stopped behind her and his strong arms enveloped her protectively within them. His hands gently moved to rub her forearms as she leaned her head to the side and allowed him to kiss her on her collarbone.

Ororo looked up at her mate with adoration and love in her eyes. Her other hand had made its way to glide over one of his arms that supported her. The warmth of his body heated her instantly and reminded her of what was to be gained in her near future. They stood like this locked in silence for a moment simply bathing in each other's soothing presence. No communication was had but just the enjoyment of the other's presence. Sesshomaru held his mate and listened to her soft heartbeats while she felt the rhythmic flow of his aura that blanketed her. Only the sound of the crackling torch she carried and the cicadas outside one of the windows was heard. Finally, after some time the silence was broken.

"This is one of my most treasured messages from the Pharaohs of the past." She pointed the torch held in her right hand towards the wall. She gazed her topaz eyes upwards, watching Sesshomaru take in the image before them. "It is a far cry from the original I heard. The original piece had been taken with Pharaoh Tutankhamun into the afterlife."

Sesshomaru looked at the mural of what was a seated man and woman gazing out ahead of them. Both wore the crowns of royalty and godly status. The woman seemed to be anointing the man with something. Their faces were happy and unlike many other pictures, these two were close and seemingly smiling. The sun's rays shined down upon them from the heavens blessing them for all of eternity. He looked down to see Ororo's attention back on the mural. He bent his head down and kissed her temple. "Explain, mate."

Her grip upon his hand tightened, keeping him locked in place and unable to move out of his hold. "Pharaoh Tutankhamun wanted his throne to have this scene of him and his beloved wife Ankhesenamun, engraved so that he could take it with him in the afterlife. He loved his wife truly with every fiber inside of him and she did as well. They had been through wars, miscarriages, deceitful people surrounding them, yet they had each other's backs and loved each other no matter what." Ororo looked up at Sesshomaru and leaned her head back against his chest as he looked down into her eyes. "The artist was so moved by their love, that he requested to remake the scene in one of the famous temples in the city of Alexandria. But Pharaoh Tutankhamun asked that he put it here in the King's Hall to honor his wife and to advise the future Pharaohs that would come after him." Ororo pointed to the message written on the walls and read. "He advises that one should not take lightly the partner you choose to stand at your side. That real power can be found in the bond shared between those united before Ra. That also love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, and penetrates walls, to arrive at its destination full of hope."

Sesshomaru bent his head down and laid a kiss upon the crook of her neck. "This King is very wise. This Sesshomaru will heed his advice above many others."

"Ironic he was only seen as a boy king yet knew more than most men would ever in their lifetimes." Ororo smiled and reached up with her left hand to caress his cheek thoughtfully. She felt the different textures along his skin where his magenta stripes lay against his face. She rubbed them adoringly, truly admiring him for who he was. They had been through so much together. Sesshomaru had shown that he was strong, adaptable, knowledgeable, caring, and trusting. He never doubted her and only asked that she did the same with him. Sesshomaru had come into her world and made her question many beliefs while fostering growth within her. She also had pulled him into her world where he had shown that he was more than capable of standing by her side and being open-minded about different languages, cultures, and people. She truly felt blessed by the Gods to have him as her mate. Ororo moved her chin up to peck him quickly on the cheek. "But I feel this is not what you came down here to talk about." She mumbled against his skin with a smile.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes at the feel of his mate's plump lips upon one of his sensitive stripes. Her soft touch left ghostly caresses along his jaw. A low growl of approval rumbled in his chest. He pulled back and looked down at her. His hands roamed to sit upon her curvy waist. "I have enjoyed this night excursion very much but you are right, mate. It is late and I have come to collect you for bed."

Ororo laughed as she turned fully cautiously in his grip to face him. The torch in her hand moved and crackled about as the light illuminated his statuesque features. Her left hand laid gently upon his chest as she stepped closer leaving no space between them. "Now the shoe is on the other foot, and it is you coming to get me for bed now." She humored herself in remembering the many times she had woken up to go search for him. There were times when she finished her duties only to find him still working diligently into the night at his desk by candlelight.

"Are you ready?" He asked, knowing his question was a loaded one.

"I think I'm ready to depart, now." The smile that once was on her face began to slowly diminish as she spoke onward about what was plaguing her. Her truth was there laid before them both as it was. "I've seen every city and town in Egypt. I've tended to every person. I've improved old systems and have gotten rid of people that proved traitorous. Adofo and Naveed are gone. Rameses has been banished into the sands. If the desert doesn't kill him, the Athenians will. I've prayed at every temple. I've visited my father's and mother's graves as well. I've ensured the peace between Egypt and the surrounding nations for at least a few more years but nothing in this world is certain. I was a bit worried about how things would go this time around. However, I feel this is the best I can do for all of us."

Sesshomaru nodded in agreement and rubbed her arms soothingly. "You honor your people and this one greatly with the amount of thought and preparation you have put into everyone's wellbeing." His eyes seemed to glow with every word he spoke. He had seen her hard at work and had been at her side offering his advice and assistance when needed. She had gone above and beyond to ensure the safety and prosperity of her people for years to come. "You can rest easy now, Ororo."

Ororo's eyes widened at the use of her name on his lips. Sesshomaru always referred to her by many adoring titles, but it never ceased to amaze her when he would say her name and look at her the way he was currently doing so. Her name fell from his tongue in such beautiful rich deep tones that only he seemed to possess. Not to mention, he used her name in the same sentence in which he used his most endearing term to weigh people's hearts against…honor. According to her mate, she had it in abundance. She could feel electric currents run through her blood system and the love she had for him just continued to fill her like the water that overflooded the Nile at times.

Ororo smiled and leaned forward as Sesshomaru kissed the top of her forehead. His lips brushed the mark where his family crest rested along with hers. She sighed gently and reached for his hand with contentment. "Take me home, Sesshomaru."

"You sure this thing will work?" Shippo questioned lowly as he looked at all the women standing around a large circle made up of sand, blue ash, and other ingredients that he didn't know.

The hall was filled with people who had come to see what a safe and guided departure was hopefully. The Inu group was ready to go home and see their loved ones. The crowd's voices carried in the hall and out through the many openings that led into Luxor. Some had laid gifts for the group to take with them from flowers, pottery, jewelry, shisha, oils, burnt offerings, and other items. The Egyptian people stood around waiting to see what else would happen. Musicians played their music, and some had begun to sing songs of praise and best wishes.

Two separate ceremonies had already taken place for the public but this one was different. Ororo had decided that the attempt to travel back to Japan with the use of magic would be done in public for the people to see. It served many purposes but mainly it would serve as a reminder that she could come back and raise hell if need be. But that was if their spell worked. Seti, Hafsa, Asa, Kenji, Iset, Shippo, Kagome, and Inuyasha stood in the center of the grand hall holding their things and waiting patiently for the others to arrive.

"It will, Shippo. We've got lots of powerful hands working with us." Kagome spoke as she hoisted her bag onto her back. She was about to fix the grip of the strap when she felt its weight lift off her shoulder and shift out of her hands. "Hey!"

Inuyasha jerked the nearly bursting yellow worn bag onto his shoulder. He didn't even respond to her glare and gasp of outrage. Instead, he looked down to see Sango's twins latch onto his legs as Sango and Lady Inukimi strolled into the room. Lady Inukimi flicked open one of her newly gold embroidered fans and pointed towards Kagome's slightly rounded belly.

"Lady Kagome, you must not do anything to put too much strain on your body. Besides, let the men carry the burdens. It's what their broad backs were made for after all." She spoke while someone followed her with a bundle of crates and folded goods.

Kagome rubbed her belly slightly feeling uncomfortable with not helping with something. She looked to Inuyasha but his attention was already focused on something else that was annoying him more than the twins pulling on his legs trying to reach his ears. Sango's face was flushed with embarrassment as she carried the bags that they brought with them. "What's wrong Sango?" He asked wondering why Miroku didn't help her out. It was really unlike him to let Sango carry anything.

Sango just muttered under her breath about greedy perverted monks and kept stomping her way forward towards the circle ready to leave and go back to the quietness of her little hut.

Inuyasha looked over an annoyed Sango's shoulder and nearly hit himself in the face at Miroku's antics. "Really, Monk! We don't need any of that! Who could you possibly sell that too?!"

"Now, now, Inuyasha." Miroku grunted as he dragged a large bag of goods behind him, given to him by the people...or so he claimed. "As the Egyptians say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth." He commented merrily as he dragged the bag into the center of their group.

"Now you're Egyptian huh?" Inuyasha remarked with a roll of his eyes. Just as he finished, the doors opened, and in came the royal family. Inuyasha turned around to see Ororo, Sesshomaru, and Rin enter the room with an entourage behind them.

A few men followed carrying crates and bags of gold, jewelry, plates, clothing, fabric, jars, statues, and other goods. Sesshomaru was dressed in his normal garments while Ororo was dressed regally for the people of Egypt and possibly for the last time. On her head sat the double crown and in her hands were the Crook and the Flail. She walked forward with a great smile on her face as everyone in the room bowed before them and cheered. Ororo walked briskly to join the group in the center of the room with her family at her side.

Ororo observed the crowd gathered around her with a light smile on her lips. She watched Iset work diligently in the middle of the room preparing the final touches on the portal that they were to use to hopefully return to Japan. Not very far, stood a stoic Kenji whose eyes stayed glued upon Iset as if trying to engrave her being into his memory. Her heart twisted at the decision Iset had made to stay. Iset felt the same way Ororo had felt before. She wanted to help make sure everything went well for the new royal family and the Egyptian people at least for the first year of their rule. Ororo had tried to convince her that morning to come back with her, but Iset had revealed her fear of the unknown to her in private. Ororo could look upon Kenji's face as he stood in the dim-lit corner, obscured by the darkness, and see that this decision wasn't desired.

Suddenly, Kenji's eyes had turned towards her direction. Ororo tried to convey her wishes through her subtle facial expressions. He needed to say something! Anything to get Iset to come back with him. But his eyes weren't focused on her. That's when Ororo heard it. The low growls and grumbles of a conversation going between two male Inu's. It was so low that she knew barely anyone would pick up on it except for maybe the bird youkai. Even Inuyasha's ears were turning on his head towards their direction, listening in on whatever they were speaking on.

Ororo looked up to see Sesshomaru glaring at his General with an intense expression. Ororo's eyebrows drew inward as she glanced between both dogs with confusion. Clearly, a silent argument had erupted between the two and Sesshomaru was making a command. She tried to catch on to the conversation, but it had ended before she knew it began. Ororo was about to ask Sesshomaru what the problem was when she looked to see Kenji's eyes go wide with disbelief. "What?" She whispered to her mate as Kenji's face returned to its stoic expression. His shoulders rose from their brooding posture and his whole aura took on a more light-hearted feel. His eyes moved to Iset with determination set in them.

Ororo looked to Sesshomaru with questions in her eyes. "What did you say to him?" She asked as Sesshomaru reached for her hand. He lifted her palm to his lips and kissed the back with affection.

"I gave him a command." He responded before he let her hand go and faced the circle. Iset and Lady Inukimi stood talking over a few things while Hafsa spoke to Kagome and Asa about the details of the spell. "I believe it is time." Sesshomaru pointed out, properly distracting her from what had just taken place.

The women had all come together and turned to face her. Seti had come forward and gave his orders to the priestesses and priests nearby in case their power was needed as well. Enough time had passed, and the hour was upon them. Ororo lifted her palms to the high ceilings and waited until the room grew quiet. Her soldiers knocked the ends of their weapons against the walls and floors to call the people to order. A wave of silence washed over the room as she gathered her thoughts. Ororo focused on the support that her mate was sending her through the bond. She shared a knowing glance with him and felt truly that this time everything would be fine. He fully supported her decisions and made it very clear that no matter if she chose to go or stay, he would be there at her side. Ororo broke their connection and looked upon the crowd to speak.

"My people! It is time. I have been deeply honored and moved that you all have kept me in your prayers and your hearts when I was away fighting for Egypt just as I am that many of you have journey to witness my departure. Now, I am leaving for a more joyous occasion and ask that you continue to support and give loyalty to your Pharaoh. Do not think my departure is final. Egypt is my heart, and I will return if need be. I now leave you in good hands. This time, these hands have been truly blessed by the hands of Ra and the Pharaohs before me. Honorable King Seti, please step forward again."

The gentle giant that once stood to the side of Hafsa and Asa came forward. The people in the crowd whispered with excitement and some began to outright cheer for their new leader. Ororo smiled up at the mighty lion that came to stand before her. As he approached, she took note of his posture, his aura, and the way he carried himself. He was a humbled King yet aggressive when need be. He stood up for those in Nubia that he felt were neglected even after their needs were saw to. She could not think of a better King to watch over Egypt.

Seti got down to his knees formally before her paying the utmost respect to the woman who stood by her word. Confusion was written on his face at what else the gracious woman could say to him. They already had two large ceremonies that were witnessed in both Lower and Upper Egypt. He had been given the honors and the crown before the people of Egypt and she even held a separate ceremony to acknowledge the people of Nubia as being a sovereign nation respected by the crown. Seti was truly at a loss for what was going on. He looked upon her face as she gazed downwards at him with joy.

"You have proven countless of times, how much you love the people. You fight not just for their safety but for their welfare and equality. Your acts of bravery, loyalty, compassion, and wisdom are what led you to this momentous occasion. It is with great pride and honor that I bestow this final memento as a sign of my endearing support. The Double Crown of the Pharaoh onto Seti, the King of Nubia."

Ororo gave the Crook and the Flail to Rin for her to hold. She watched as Rin's little hands held them both like treasures close to her chest. Ororo lifted her crown off her head but Seti's hands came up. She paused and frowned as he stood to his feet slowly.

Seti was shocked to see that she was giving up the double crown. It was one of the greatest testaments of the Pharaoh; proving that love was given by the people and that all of Egypt was united under her rule. He couldn't take such a prize from her. He felt that she truly deserved to have and wear it on her head for the rest of her life. "You should keep the crown. Pharaoh Ororo, you have the support and love of all of Egypt behind you. I wish to earn my crown, and have it bestowed to me by the people just as you had gained yours." Seti explained as he held his hands out at the people surrounding them.

Ororo paused and beheld the people that surrounded her. They nodded, bowed, cheered, and clapped in agreement with his statement. Ororo was taken aback by the gesture and a light blush tinted her cheeks. She looked at her mate and grinned as he sent her chills up her spine, agreeing to the demon's message. She gazed at the crowd as they showed their respect for his words. Ororo looked down at the lion and tilted her head to the side. Her hands slowly came down to hand in her lap. She regarded him and made up her mind. "It should have been you, all along." She mumbled leaving everyone to wonder what she was speaking about.

Ororo moved her index finger to his forehead, catching the lion off guard. "Well take this mark. I thought I passed this along before, but the Gods saw reason to retract it. After the events we witnessed, we can see why. But I have faith that this time, the Gods smile down upon us. That they smile down today upon you. Take the Crest of the Pharaoh. So that all of Egypt knows that under great thought and care, it is you that was chosen by my heart and by the grace of the Gods to serve all of Egypt as their Pharaoh." A bright light burst from her fingertip. She touched his forehead, and a warm sensation flooded the patch of skin there. Her finger shined for a moment and then dimmed when a symbol of a red ankh appeared on his forehead shining brightly above the red lion's paw there for everyone to see.

The crowd gasped with excitement and clapped at the visible mark of the Pharaoh finally present for them to see. Seti's eyes went wide as he looked up to her and witnessed Sesshomaru's and Ororo's golden ankh shine brightly with acceptance. "Wh-" He muttered in disbelief. It was one thing to be bestowed the title, but it was another to be graced with it by those before him.

Ororo almost laughed at the sight before her; finding that he looked in that moment more like a surprised lion cub than a grown male lion twice her size. Ororo pulled her finger back and ushered to Rin. Rin stepped to her side and handed over her treasure. Ororo reached for them gently and brushed Rin's chin with her finger out of affection and appreciation. She held the Crook and the Flail up in the air and crossed them over. She presented them to Seti before the crowd. "You may rise Pharaoh Seti. For you were just a man before and now you are Pharaoh." Ororo watched as he got to his feet and towered over her. His eyes held hers as he crossed his fists over his chest proudly. Ororo held out the Crook for him to take. "Take the Crook as a symbol of your undying rule of Egypt and of your status among the Gods." She then held out the Flail and she placed it in his other hand across his chest. "Take the Flail as a symbol of your power. Prosperity and righteousness are in your hands, now. Use your powers wisely and for Egypt's welfare."

Seti looked down to his hands and the items he held. The weight he now felt was indescribable. He held both the Crook and the Flail with his fists and bowed his head to Ororo. "In the name of Ra, I promise to holdALLof Egypt to my heart." He said with a smile knowing she heard him stress the word.

Ororo just continued to smile at his words and their double meaning. He was referring to their private chat before this impromptu meeting. He wanted Nubia to receive the same treatment as the rest of Egypt. He could not be truly king if he abandoned his people now, especially after all the progress he had made for their equality and economic status. Ororo could only agree with what he proposed. They had worked together to seal documents and to gather officials to make his demands into commands. There would be no denying or sabotaging these plans or serious dire punishment would ensure.

Also, there was the case of her sister, Asa. Ororo's eyes flickered for a moment towards her sister who was leaning into Hafsa and holding the priestess's hands in her own. The two had somehow developed a powerful bond that was shared between them both. Ororo thought it had something to do with Asa pouring her magic and her life force into Hafsa to heal her back to life. The two were connected now and a real friendship stood as their foundation. Seti had sealed her sister's fate finding that she had truly made up for her sins and mistakes. Asa was free now to do what she wanted. She could be Queen technically as she was entitled to her status and rights. But Asa was adamant about her not being in the role of command. She didn't want the position finding it had caused her enough heartache and stress to last a lifetime. Ororo did not want her sister to just disappear into the night and be alone for eternity.

Seti approached Ororo and a plan was garnished. One that was approved by both Hafsa and Asa. Seti had spoken of Asa and Hafsa with courageous passion, love, and support. Seti felt for Asa and spoke about how he witnessed her journey to forgiveness. How he could not fathom the loss she felt every day and how that burdened her. He felt Asa deserved to keep her title as regent but that would automatically make her his wife. This was a problem since he truly loved Hafsa and wanted her at his side. Ororo quickly pulled an idea she had learned from the Inu's. She had used Lady Inukimi's situation as a springboard of sorts. The demoness had a child and was not married. Yet she was forever in a position of power and truly free to do whatever she wanted. Ororo told Seti that he could grant Asa the same. Let her keep her autonomy but use the crown to protect her. But she wouldn't be safe technically as she was still blood and thus still a regent. But Seti offered something that shocked them all.

Ororo elevated Hafsa's status to High Priestess; filling Naveed's open position. With Asa still present, only she could be Queen. Seti by cosmic law would marry Asa making her his first wife. Thus, Asa could keep her entitlements and come and go as she pleased. Seti did not need to consummate anything with Asa. Asa could go live in Alexandria if she wanted. She didn't even have to live in his home or see him if she or he didn't want to. Asa could be a free woman but also if needed provide insight and use her royal position to help Seti if required. The duties of a Mother Queen would fall on his second wife, Hafsa who was already performing duties for the country because of her position.

Seti could take Hafsa as a second wife which wasn't uncommon among the royal families of Egypt. Thus, both Asa and Hafsa because of their titles and positions would be secured and could live out their days in relative ease. But it would ultimately be up to Seti, Hafsa, and Asa on how they would make their relationship work. Seti had mulled over the idea for weeks before finally agreeing. Lady Inu-Kimi provided support and guidance to protect their children as well. Ororo and Seti presented the idea to Asa and Hafsa who both understood and agreed to the arrangement. Ororo had watched the two women and how they interacted with Seti over the past few weeks and knew all would work out. Something in her gut told her that Asa would find happiness relatively soon.

Ororo whispered for only him to hear. "Treat them both well or you'll have me to answer to. Unless I am for some reason unable to confront you, I will have my mate do so in my stead." She threatened and pointed behind her with her thumb at a stoic Sesshomaru. She heard the Inu sneer at her tactics and her smile grew. "And if Asa finds someone worthy of her presence, then you must let her go." Ororo leaned back quickly and kept eye contact making sure that Seti understood her threat. She would find a way to travel if she learned that Asa or Hafsa were upset or being treated poorly. This time, they promised and created multiple ways for communication to pass between them.

Seti smirked and looked away at the two women who were now looking at him with supportive gazes. He held their eyes before turning to Ororo with his cheeks slightly pinkened. "You have my word that they both will be treated with the utmost respect. Besides, who's to say Asa won't find happiness with us?"

Ororo's eyes widened at his implication, but the gentle smile never left her face. "We shall see, great Pharaoh Seti." With that Ororo turned and strolled back to her mate's side. Her hand immediately reached for his and like a magnet, his hand found hers. He curled his larger hand around hers. She looked up at him and mumbled. "Take note that if you try to bring another into our bed or attempt to make her some secondary wife, I'll kill her and any one that comes after. I do not share."

"Neither does this Sesshomaru." He growled out protectively.

Ororo squeezed his hand lightly, finally ready to go home and begin a new chapter of her life with her mate, child, and extended family. She looked down at her side and reached for Rin's hand not wanting her little one to be too far from her. "Come, jewel."

Rin's eyes were bright as she bounced with excitement on her heels. "We're finally going home, Momma?" She asked as she looked at the circle on the floor.

"We're going to try. But I'm sure with all the magic at our disposal we will be home, shortly." Ororo responded as they all gathered close around the portal. Of course. if this worked, she didn't see why they couldn't go back and forth between Japan and Egypt whenever they pleased. Iset could do it with just them both working the portal. However, that originally resulted in Iset randomly entering Japan through the well in the first place and not the portal she created in the palace. Ororo supposed it was best not to count chickens before they hatched. They would need to look at an alternative power source as Ororo did not want to jeopardize Kagome's route to her home using the magical well. But that was all in the future and based on the success of the spell they were currently working on.

Miroku sat his bag down and reached inside his dark purple robes for two special ofudas. He nodded at Kagome as she took one from his hands. She prayed over it and concentrated her energy on the little piece of paper. Their auras rose and covered the ofudas with their spiritual powers. Lady Inukimi held her mirror in her hands and showed their destination in its reflection. The well stood before them upon lush green grass, tucked behind tall ancient trees of Inuyasha's Forest. Two of Sesshomaru's guards stood diligently on the lookout, protecting the private space, and waiting for their Lord's return.

Ororo's eyes turned white as she stepped forward towards the edge of the circle. She let go of her family's hands and focused her energy into her palms. She locked her fingers together and pulled them apart slowly. White electricity bounced between the palms of her hands and fingertips. She walked over to Lady Inukimi and gently touched the edges of the mirror she held. The mirror began to glow white and electric currents jumped inside the reflection of the mirror. The image of the well was clear yet white electric currents could be seen dancing along the swell of the well's lips.

"Now." Iset instructed as she touched the rim of the chalk-lined portal. The rim of the circle began to glow a bright blue. Asa and Hafsa bent down to her side and all three women began muttering the spell of passage that Iset had used to cross over.

Kagome and Miroku threw their ofudas in the center of the circle. Upon landing on the ground, the ofudas vanished immediately. Inside the circle, swirled a burst of pink and blue spiritual energy. Their fingers went into a prayer stance. Everyone looked at Lady Inukimi's mirror and saw the well gleam white, pink, and blue light from within. The crowd backed away in fright at the amount of power and magic coming from the center of the room. In the mirror, Lady Inukimi could see the startled expressions on the soldier's faces as they turned to look at the magical well. One soldier raced off into the woods as the other threw up a demonic barrier around himself for protection. The feel of spiritual energy was enough to cause alarm to the demon as he backed away; desiring not to risk being purified.

Kagome looked at the women and nodded her head. "I feel the well's call. It works."

Ororo nodded her head and ushered for the first group to go through. Kagome rushed over to hug Iset, Asa, and Hafsa quickly. All of them hugged her back with affection and blessed her rounded belly. Hafsa went so far as to lift her shirt and lay hands of prayer. Inuyasha nearly yelled at the offense but was drowned out by the cheers, farewells, and praises of the crowd that broke out around him. He too was forcefully pulled into hugs and blessed with words and affirmations. Seti had grabbed him by his shoulders and nearly broke his neck with a big bear hug before Kagome pulled him away towards the edge of the portal. Inuyasha felt winded by the end of it all. He adjusted the heavy bag on his back filled with things that the Egyptians swore he and Kagome "needed". He reached for his mate's hand and held it securely. The moment reminded him of the many uncertain times he had crossed over the well with Kagome. But he had grown much and learned a valuable lesson. If Kagome was by his side, he would be ok.

Kagome looked to Inuyasha with love and trust before she gathered her miko powers and aimed at the portal once again. She looked behind her to see Shippo trying to get to her side. "Hurry, Shippo! We need to keep it open from the other side!"

"I'm coming!" Shippo's tale and bushy hair were getting ruffled as he too was being passed along from all around. Most of the servants that had attended to him thought he was adorable. They filled his bag with children's toys and sweets. Asa's hands wrapped around him. He nuzzled her cheek having a special place in his heart for the mom that suffered the loss of a son. Asa kissed him on the cheek and placed him down on the ground. He quickly raced forward and pounced his way onto Inuyasha's left shoulder.

"Shippo, you've gained weight," Inuyasha remarked cheekily underneath his breath so only Shippo could hear. "You nearly took out my shoulder!"

Shippo poked out his tongue before crying to Kagome in her ear. "Kagome! Inuyasha's being mean to me again!"

"Inuyasha!" She yelled loudly before he grabbed her hand and jumped with her into the portal before she could yell anything that would result in his face being planted either in marble or rapidly falling in free space between dimensions.

Everyone watched with bated breath as the trio disappeared. They turned to look at Lady Inukimi's mirror and watched patiently for a head of ebony or silver to pop up on the other side. Ororo prayed under her breath for success when her opaque eyes lit up with sparks of joy. Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo had hopped over to the edge of the well onto the soft grass along with their things. They looked around themselves at the familiarity of their location and waved to the guard who regarded them like ghosts from his past. More guards rushed from the tree line and looked at them with disbelief. Kagome hurried back to the well and yelled down through it. Her hands glowed pink as she touched the rim and concentrated her miko powers on keeping the portal open. Her voice reverberated and echoed through space and time, expelling from the swirling vortex on the floor in Egypt.

"Ok guys! It works! Come through!" She yelled happily.

Iset smiled and leaned over the vortex. "Careful Kagome. Don't use too much energy in your current condition."

"We can keep it open from our side," Asa spoke, looking around her at all the faces. "This well of yours has more than enough magic to keep it going from the other side."

Ororo nodded agreeing with their statement. Something about that well was beyond the laws of magic and understanding. But some things in this world were never meant to be understood but to be simply appreciated and respected. She turned to the others and motioned for them to go next. "Lady Inukimi, Sango, Miroku, and children. You are next."

Once again, they went around for hugs and farewells. The twins were passed around with affection along with their now nearly toddler brother. Sango and Miroku gave their farewells in a very Japanese fashion, but they too were hugged and embraced by all that had shared space and time with them. Sango collected her children and waited with annoyance as Miroku heaved their newly acquired wealth over his shoulder. Her angry words were the last thing they heard ringing from the portal as they too jumped in and vanished out of sight.

Lady Inukimi glided forward a few minutes later with her things being carried behind her. They placed the items in first and waited as one by one, the crates and bags disappeared. "I'm going to miss this magnificent place. They know exactly how to treat a demoness." She lamented having somehow gotten over her prejudices against those with mixed and human blood.

Her legacy was visible as many women held fans and wore a very thin decorative outer layer to their attires. Some had just worn the top layer, finding it was fashionable and practical given the hot temperature outside. The women of court and a few of the women that serviced Lady InuKimi, looked upon her like a gem that was being tucked away out of reach. Some had taken the trend of hand fans and added peaco*ck feathers and boas to the end of them, making them their own and adding an Egyptian flare to the design. "Farewell and good tidings to you all." With a flick of her fan, Lady Inukimi waved goodbye to those around her. Her flourish of a wave made quite a grand display before vanishing in the swirl of blue, pink, and white light.

Ororo blinked at her elaborate departure. She looked at Sesshomaru who looked nonplussed by his mother's theatrical exit. "I need to work on how I enter and exit a room with your mother about."

"Please don't." Sesshomaru responded quickly as he stepped forward towards the edge along with Rin who was practically rushing to leap head-first.

Ororo turned and pointed to Kenji who pushed against the wall he was leaning towards. "Wait! What about-"

"I'm staying, your grace." Kenji spoke with finality.

"What!" Ororo and Iset's voices rang out over the whispers and loud commotion of the crowd as they tried to understand what was transpiring before them. Some had learned a few Japanese words while others were making things up as they went.

Iset stood up slowly with wide green eyes as she looked to Kenji. Her hands turned into fists at her side as she tried to control her emotions that were warring between excitement and uncertainty. She watched as the love of her life stepped forward towards her and stood at her side.

Kenji reached for Iset's right hand and uncurled it so that he could hold it properly. He looked at the Lady of the West as she stood shocked with a growing smile on her face. His heartbeat loudly in his ears as he turned to face Iset. "I'm staying here with Lady Iset to formally court her as my mate." He watched as Iset's eyes were expressive and showed her respect, affection, and fear.

"Y-you can't. You must go back. Your king and queen need you." Iset tried to rationalize by pulling away and shaking her head, but he would have none of this. He reached for her left hand and with great strength, unfolded her fingers to grasp her other hand into his own, locking her in place.

"I'm staying to be with you, you stubborn woman. That is if you will accept?" He responded with humor in his voice.

"I-" Iset swallowed thickly and looked quickly to Ororo for confirmation that this was ok. Ororo shrugged her shoulders and looked up to Sesshomaru who seemed bored of it all. His face had turned to watch the people drop bags, crates, and other items into the portal before them.

Sesshomaru walked forward to the edge of the portal and pulled Ororo along as the Queen tried to see what would become of her precious Iset and her newly beloved Kenji. "Come, mate." Sesshomaru said with finality before looking down to Rin who was also wrapped up in the flair of things. "Pup." He called out watching as Rin looked around curiously to see to who he was referring to.

When his eyes stayed upon her petite frame, a large smile bloomed on her lips. "Yes, Papa." She responded in Arabic and immediately rushed around Ororo's legs to get in the middle so she could hold both Ororo's and Sesshomaru's hands.

Ororo didn't feel the change but just continued to watch as Iset shook her head. Iset jumped towards Kenji and pulled him into a kiss that rocked the demon off his heels. His hands scrambled to hold her and keep their balance, but he managed. The crowd cheered all around and applauded the sight before them. Ororo squealed before she felt her body being pulled forward and everything around her was surrounded in bright white, blue and pink light. Her light gentle laughter was the last sound to be heard as the portal closed. Her laughter echoed through the halls and in the ears of all those standing around leaving a warmth that soothed their hearts and eased their minds.

Sometime Later…

Light laughter and a bird's call echoed about the beautiful peaceful spring. The sound of rushing rivers, gentle creeks, and streams of fresh water dripping into various pools surrounded the lush green area built into the mountainous rock of the surrounding cliffs. The pebbled steppingstones and rock pathways that were once covered with moss were now cleared and cleaned away. The once-barren yards in front of old homes were filled with fresh flowers, fruit trees, and vegetable gardens. The once-abandoned houses were slowly being cleaned and their outer shells were updated with fresh wooden structures and painted coats that made their beams shine bright underneath the rays of the sun.

Gold and onyx Anubis statues the size of Sesshomaru stood at the entrance of the little village and all around the surrounding area as if overlooking and providing protection for the sacred place. The sun had risen and shined down upon the people who walked about enjoying their early morning. Thick foliage that once covered the old statue of the great white Inu Dog was removed revealing the name of the village that read "Towairaito"at the base.

Children of both demon and human blood ran about playfully. They jumped into the cool pools during the hot summer day with excitement and splashed each other relentlessly. A few of the village elders were happily playing with the children and their grandchildren. Some were telling stories over old recipes of sweet cakes and cold juice. A group of women sat on the side doing the laundry and other duties while enjoying the fresh air and cool breeze outside. Some stood to the side picking vegetables for the midday meal while watching over their pack. Inu men could be seen working on houses with others. A batch of adult Inus had come back from hunting game. They presented their bountiful catches to the village for the lunch meal to be shared by everyone. A few of the abandoned homes were now filled with Inu families and others who had come to live and vacation at the ancient home of the Inus.

Rin smiled as she took in the beautiful little heaven, she had been shown a few years back. She was so happy her parents took her here to explore and make the place their own. She was even more excited to see it flourish as more families came back finding it a great place to raise their young. Well, those open-minded enough to allow the presence of humans. Rin knew it was to be expected and it didn't put a damper at all on the sway of things. The little village was beautiful and growing beyond measure. Everyone was happy here and old traditions were rekindled for the white Inu clans that chose to reside in the village and watch over their homes.

Rin pulled herself out of one of the pools with ease. She had grown a bit in height and her outfits had become a lot more conservative due to her growth as a young lady. Mainly her outfits changed because of her father's wishes to make her invisible to every demon and human male that looked at her with interest. Her light brown eyes and short striped brown and silver hair danced in the wind before falling to glide along the nape of her neck. Water dripped from the ends of her tresses and rolled down her skin into her wet black swimming shirt and pants. She had explored for days with her parents finding something new every time she ventured out. She opened her hands and laid her newly found treasures on the edge of the pool. Rin surveyed the shells she had found and collected in one of the nearby pools. They all shined with pretty colors and different shapes. She looked curiously as one moved and she realized its resident still lived inside.

"Sorry to take you from your home!" She apologized as she brought the little thing to her eye. A snail was tucked underneath it trying to fold itself protectively inside away from harm. Rin rushed over and placed it near a pond that was also close to a thick patch of flowers where it could roam and spend the rest of its days safely about. "Goodbye!" She hurried back to the front of her father's house and laid her shells out in the sun to dry on the edge of the deck.

"This place is the best!" Shippo sighed as he rolled onto his tummy while eating one of the many sweet breads that Lady Ororo had made for them that morning. He too had grown in stature and was starting to look more gangly and lean than he did before. He lounged lazily on a red blanket Ororo had rolled out for them on the front grass of their yard.

Rin nodded her head in agreement with his statement. She plopped down on the blanket and reached for a piece of bread in the basket. "And it's going to get even better! Wait until the strawberries grow!" She happily kicked her feet and laid down on her back. A soft snort was heard and Ah-Un walked over and lay with them in the shade of a tree that had sprouted behind them.

"Rin! Shippo!"

Both sat up abruptly at the sound of the female's voice calling to them in Arabic. They looked over to see Iset walking up to the gate with a group of young people holding bows and arrows. Iset looked at them with a happy expression as the people behind her spoke animatedly about the trek they were going to make with the infamous female warrior.

Everything had worked out great for the woman that everyone saw as part of the royal Inu family. She had returned to Japan with Kenji a little over a year ago. She said it was only fair since Kenji had spent a year with her in Egypt, helping everyone adjust and retraining new leaders for Egypt's army. With his help, they were able to get a respected and trusted General who focused more on security and less on causing trouble. During that time, Iset had mated Kenji and had taken on much of his attributes just as he had taken up on hers. He had returned knowledgeable of the Arabic language and capable of performing minor magic spells when needed. He also wasn't as stiff as before and was much more relaxed about things. He still would attempt to cover Iset's body when they were in the presence of others in Japan but for the most part, he had come to accept and adore how she was.

Iset had also learned many things from her mate and adapted for his sake. She still fought against the formal many layers of clothing Japanese women wore but found that in the wintertime, they were very useful. Snow was not a desired companion that she wanted nor the illness that followed if one didn't bundle up. She had taken up various lessons like calligraphy and Japanese swordsmanship finding the traditional Japanese arts to be beautiful and beneficial. Kenji taught her the practicality of mediation which she devoted as many hours in a day as she could into mastering. Meditation had served her well and made her spell-casting stronger with the focus she was able to give. Now Iset was here in Japan, serving the royal family just as she was before but this time she had taken on a more formal role as General to the Queen. (A title that was made up on the spot by Ororo and made official by Sesshomaru)

With the help of magic, Lady Inukimi's mirror, and Kagome's spiritual power, the well's magic was redirected, and safe passage was allowed between destinations. Iset and Kenji sent letters desiring to return to Japan and that they would be fine attempting the journey by foot if needed. The group would have none of that and so they all pitched it to prove if their original thoughts were grounded in truth. And it was! Now Kagome, Ororo, Iset, and anyone for that matter, could freely move between space and time. However, all elements were needed for the portal to work. Otherwise, the well only worked for Kagome and Inuyasha and allowed them to go to Kagome's time and back.

Iset pulled her bow onto her shoulder. "If Lady Ororo asks where I am, please inform her that I've taken a bunch of fledglings to practice archery on the hill." She explained pointing towards the path that led back to the mainland. Iset then turned to look at the young people with doubt written on her face. "Let's see if they have been practicing instead of playing during my time away. Hopefully, you have. After all, this place won't protect itself."

Rin and Shippo listened and watched as the group shared glances and looked a bit nervous suddenly. Both nodded their heads and watched as Iset walked onward before being intercepted by her mate Kenji coming up the pathway with soldiers and horses. They watched as he dismounted in front of their yard and sent his men ahead of him to the great meeting building up ahead. Kenji held her by her waist and she leaned in to kiss him uncaring how her public display of affection was viewed. She pulled back and explained to him her plans for the day. Kenji looked upon the group with uncertainty as well and announced that he too would come along much to Iset's glee and to the groups dismay.

"Two slave masters. Sucks for them." Shippo snickered and finished off his sweet bread.

"Well, you should join them."

Shippo nearly jumped out of his furry skin as he looked to see Inuyasha coming out of the front door of Rin's summer home. He casually walked down the stairs with Kohaku at his side. Kohaku held the hand of a younger boy who shared a resemblance to his older sister. Inuyasha's hands were in his sleeves as he looked about the village and surveyed the area for threats. The place was secluded and hidden from sight. Demons would have to go out of their way and on a hunt to find them. But that did not deter the hanyou from being on alert and watching over his pack. Inuaysha's ears flickered on top of his head as he came to a stop at their blanket.

"Hi, Uncle!" Rin greeted with a bow of her head. With blushing cheeks, she regarded Kohaku. "Hi, Kohaku. Hi Ryuya!"

"Hi Rin! Hey Shippo!" Kohaku greeted as he walked forward dressed in his slayer uniform. The little boy at his side waved as well. The boy named Ryuya walked over to their blanket and sat down with them.

Rin pulled the basket of bread over for Ryuya and offered him the morning treats they were given. "I hope you're enjoying your time here, Kohaku." She spoke shyly to Kohaku. "Too bad it's so short."

"It's great Rin! This place is amazing." He responded as he looked about the area. Kohaku glimpsed the group walking away. He waved his hand in excitement to join Iset's itinerary. "Wait for me!" He yelled catching the woman's attention. He looked at Rin and bent down to her level making her sit up straight with wide eyes.

"Can you watch Ryuya for me while I train with the others? I rarely get to ever train with both Iset and Kenji." He pleaded.

"Of course!" Rin agreed instantly as she sank into his eyes.

"You're the best Rin!" He responded with a bright smile. "I'll see you later, guys. After I get back and wash up, maybe we can go for a walk near the koi." Rin didn't get a chance to respond as he bounded down the steps with the agility of a demon as Iset, Kenji, and the group paused to allow him to catch up.

"See, look at this young male!" Iset said pointing to Kohaku, using him as an example. "Even on his day of relaxation, he devotes himself to personal growth." Groans and grunts echoed behind her from the group as she lit into them all about their laziness and how the Gods don't favor the lucky as much as they do the well-prepared.

"I caught that you know," Inuyasha commented as he looked down at a still flustered Rin.

"What!" Rin panicked as she waved her hands in front of her. "Caught what, Uncle!"

"Feh." Inuyasha responded and brushed the tip of his nose with his clawed thumb. He caught the scent of Rin's emotions, and he wasn't sure but he swore he could smell the scent of attraction on Kohaku. "Whatever. Anyway…" He directed his attention back onto Shippo who had laid back down to stare up at the bright blue sky and puffy clouds that drifted by. "Little runt, you should get out there with them."

Shippo scoffed and rolled his eyes at Inuyasha's remarks. His chest puffed out with pride as he sat up to address his regarded older brother. "I have you know, I'm at the top of my division when it comes to my training and fox magic fighting style. I've been training nonstop all this month with no breaks just so Master Jun would give me this week off." Shippo proceeded to lay back down and ignore Inuyasha with a smirk and a glint of fang. "Besides I'm on vacation for this week and don't need to listen to your commands."

"Is that so?" Inuyasha responded with golden eyes narrowing upon Shippo instantly.

"Leave him, alone Inuyasha." Kagome spoke as she waddled out of the house next to an amused Ororo. "Shippo's been working hard at school and I barely get to see him as it is! Let him relax."

"I can feel the shift in your aura, young Shippo. I'm impressed." Ororo commented as she held a small child with a tuft of silver hair on their head. Her rounded belly protruded quite farther than Kagome's looking as if she was ready to pop any day now. Her dresses had once concealed her growing pregnancy for many seasons in the past. Now that was no longer the case.

The toddler's legs kicked desiring to be put down. The little child's outfit resembled Inuyasha's fire rat garb. Little ears spun on their head just like Inuyasha's and bright golden eyes looked about the surroundings with enthusiasm. Inuyasha strode over and helped both women down the front steps, mindful of their footing. When they reached the bottom, they all went over to the red blanket. Ororo cooed to the little child and placed a kiss on their plump cheek. The child giggled loudly in delight. Ororo placed the child down on the ground gently and looked to Kagome with a smile. Immediately, the child took off towards Shippo, eyeing the very thing they wanted. Shippo's bushy tail.

Shippo gripped his fluffy tail and jumped up out of the way. "Not today, Touga!" He yelled with fright as he avoided the tiny claws of his young toddler nemesis.

"Why are you running for!" Goaded Inuyasha as he watched his pup with pride chase after Shippo.

"Inuyasha, can you watch Touga while I get lunch ready." Kagome walked up to the male and kissed him on the cheek.

Inuyasha reached out for her and held her close to him. His hand curved around her swollen belly and felt the life growing there. His aura stretched around her like a blanket as she hummed at the feel. Her eyes closed briefly, relishing in the protective embrace of her mate. Inuyasha nuzzled his nose into her thick hair and breathed in heavily the pheromones that his mate was releasing into the universe. "I'll help." He growled lowly.

Rin opened her arms wide and little Touga took immediate notice. He crouched and ran on all fours into her arms as she happily scooped him up. "You've gotten so big, Touga!"



Everyone turned to see Sango stomping up the pathway into the village. Everyone waved at the angered slayer as she ignored the man who followed behind her. Right by her legs, ran the twin girls along with Kiara. The twins were dressed in similar slayer garbs now that they were older to start practicing their ancestor's craft. At first, the villagers got mixed emotions as they were once humans that sought to kill demon-kind. But under Sango's and Kohaku's tutelage, that all changed. With the same principles and tactics that she had been taught, the new slayers worked to police both wayward demons and humans.

Everyone waved and greeted the respected woman and her daughters in the village. As Miroku approached, a few Inu demons shook their heads at a red-faced Miroku that followed with his hands tucked into his sleeves. Both twins looked up to see the Inu group gathered at the very top at Rin's home and they took off running along the pathway. The Inu group waited patiently until the twins made it without breaking a sweat, showing that they had more of their mother's strength and endurance than realized.

"Hey, girls!" Kagome greeted them as they ran to their favorite priestess and hugged her legs followed by Inuyasha.

Immediately, his ears flattened themselves to his skull out of reflex knowing that the girls would find interest in them soon and would want to "pet" them. "What's wrong with Miroku?" He asked as his keen sense of sight picked up on the bright handprint on Miroku's face.

"I don't know." One of them responded as she lowered herself down onto the blanket. She reached for a sweet treat followed by her twin.

"He might have gotten another bug on him again." The other twin responded thoughtfully. "Momma said Daddy is always getting stung by bugs and she has to save him before they eat him up. But I never see them land on Daddy."

"Me neither!" Responded the other twin as she reached for her brother Ryuya and began to tickle him. "I guess that's why our mom is pretty strong. She sees everything!

Everyone sighed at her explanation knowing the truth behind her story. Most likely, Miroku was attempting something perverted in public, and Sango let him have it. Inuyasha laughed loudly at the girl's explanation finding it the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. Kagome hit him in the chest lightly and told him to knock it off. "Yeah, those bugs are vicious. Good thing Sango is there to save Miroku." Kagome responded.

"Yeah!" The twins responded in unison.

"Save Miroku from himself." Shippo snickered earning him a glare from Kagome.

Sesshomaru stepped outside of his ancestral home to see everyone gathered at the entrance around his pup. He stretched his legs having finished the duties that were required of him to ensure the smooth running of his growing estate. He looked to see his pup playing with the other children and happily chatting with the adults. The slayer had come up with the monk who was now holding her and talking to the rest of the group. His face sported a red handprint which he gathered was obtained in the usual manner. Sesshomaru looked about at the lively village that was under his care. He was content that everything was fine and under control. He looked to his mate and his body warmed at the sight. She was breathtaking.

Her skin seemed to glow underneath the sun's rays. Her hair was longer and softer as it fell freely around her face and draped down her back. Her body had plumped and rounded beautifully with their child nestled inside of her womb. Her fresh morning rain scent carried on the wind and filled his lungs. There was something divinely magical about her body being a cosmic gateway for the life that was created by them both. Her cobalt eyes were bright as they looked upon Rin. He watched his little one stand up and go to Ororo. She reached out and touched her swollen belly with curiosity. Ororo patiently reached for Rin's hand and maneuvered her to the side so she could feel her brother inside. Rin giggled and looked up to Ororo with a passionate expression that only a proud big sister could have.

Sesshomaru stepped down and walked over to the group. Immediately, Ororo was swept into his hold and locked into place as his aura flushed over her body. Everyone shared a glance and knew it was time to get on with the day's duties or risk being front and center to a show that wouldn't be child friendly. They had all learned that Inus when among the pack and in their element, were quite open and affectionate. One could say they were exhibitionists to an extent. Even Inuyasha had shown that the Inu trait was strong. Several occasions were witnessed when he just pulled Kagome into his lap and proceeded to bestow his affections upon her.

Ororo sighed contently and watched through a dazed expression as Rin collected the kids along with Shippo and went down to Sango's house to play in one of the safe shallow pools. Shippo took it upon himself to collect the blanket and basket of goods, following right behind them. Ororo's hands came down and rested on Sesshomaru's as he held her around her swollen middle. "So nice of you to come out into the light." She commented as she turned her head and kissed one of the magenta stripes along his right cheek.

"Hm…I have neglected you this morning. The meeting can wait." Was his response. He proceeded to nuzzle her temple and rub her belly tenderly. He could feel his child inside growing healthy and pushing with a sizeable demonic aura that would make any father proud. Sesshomaru replied with a gentle push of his own that caused quite some excitement from their little pup that rested comfortably inside Ororo's belly.

"But you have a meeting with your warriors. They are to report to you what has been happening around the palace during our absence." Ororo countered trying her best to reason before it was lost to them.

"My General has left with his mate before debriefing with me. Clearly, my lands are working efficiently, and my men do not require this one's presence just yet." He responded as his lips suckled on her neck. His hands had already begun to roam to places where the ache for his touch was paramount.

An audible moan came from Ororo's lips that caressed his ears and stroked his ego. He picked his mate up and brought her back up the stairs and into their home. Faster than she could realize, their clothes were stripped off their bodies. She was laid naked before her mate focusing on controlling her breathing as she waited with anticipation for her mate to love her. He held himself above her and took in the sight of his pregnant mate laid out on plush blankets and soft furs. His mokomoko was draped around her head and slowly curling itself around her. Her fingers had found its fur and ran her fingers through it roughly. It caused a tingle of exotic sensations to travel from his back and up his spine and dip into his navel.

Ororo's fingers reached to touch his hot skin, needing to feel him. Silky strands of silver hair tickled her flesh as it all fell around his head. Liquid amber drowned out the world around them. Like bright suns, they shined and reminded her that he was her sun and moon. Her body quivered desiring to engulf him safely beyond the world where no one could find him. Her legs spread wide for him and allowed him to nestle down in the sanctuary that only he was able to enter. Before her was more than a king or a male that could provide for her. She had been given a gift from the Gods. A male who was strong, adaptable, loving, hard-working, wise, and yet always looking to expand his knowledge and pass his wealth around. He didn't speak of his doings or of his many feats but went on in life just doing what he felt was the honorable thing, the necessary thing. That didn't necessarily mean he did the right thing all the time. He wasn't by no means good all the time. They had their arguments on morals and judgments in the past. He was a demon and he made mistakes. But he gave her his best and all he had to offer every day.

Her arousal flooded his senses and called him to lay his worries and praises at her altar. Every time he knelt to praise, he made his offering to her; giving everything that he was and would ever be. The woman before him was phenomenal and had taken creation to another level. She had traveled miles of sand, earth, wind, and water to be brought into his life and their paths were forever entwined for infinity. They had traversed space and time to be together and handle their affairs as a combined force. He could not fathom sharing his life force with any other than the strong incredible woman that unabashedly lay beneath him. She looked upon him as a man who had given her the world…and would continue to do so.

He loved her well into the evening when the stars had begun to shine. He passed everything positive and worth mentioning to his mate and vice versa. His aura and hers danced continuously until their child knew no other world but that of his parent's love. Message of dismissal had been given to those who waited for Sesshomaru by Inuyasha who managed to pry himself from his mate. Sesshomaru had far more pressing things to do, like see to his mate and pups.

Rin had come home finally that evening, happy that Kohaku had made well on his promise to enjoy time with her. They had taken a walk around the village under the supervision of Iset and Kenji of course in the distance. Rin was invited back to Sango's where she ate and enjoyed the company of their house before making the walk back to hers. Kohaku saw to her safety and politely left her in her front yard where Sesshomaru stood glaringly. Ororo and Sesshomaru had gotten up to welcome her home and enjoyed each other's company. Ororo sent Rin to bed with a kiss on her forehead and Sesshomaru handed her his pelt as the sleepy girl stumbled to her room with a little bit more pep in her step than usual. Little did she know that around twilight, her world would change with a thunderous cry from her parent's room and fresh rain falling upon her roof.

The Palace in Egypt


"Yeah, I want to see it before we go outside!"

"It is my favorite, Momma!"

"Mine too!"

"Here it is! They finished it!"


One of the little girls ran to a stop in front of a large display on the limestone walls that reached from the floor to the high ceiling. The child's hair was picked into an afro and puffed all around with a single gold thread holding the front back as a headband. Her face resembled that of a lion cub with bright brown eyes looking excitedly at the image before her. She turned with eagerness to a tall boy whose eyes were rimmed with kohl and bared resemblance to her own. On his shoulder was a small pelt of a lion and his eyes were light blue. He looked at the image as well with respect and awe but with a more subdued enthusiasm. The little girl reached for his hand and pointed excitedly to the wall before her. Her words spilled out of her mouth faster than he could register. The other children raced forward as well up to the wall and touched it with their fingers as they spoke among each other. Some were moving their fingers along the engraved hieroglyphics that spelled the names of those present.

More feet were approaching along with the light chimes of gentle laughter. The little girl leaned around the brood of children to see two women approaching slowly down the hallway. Both donned long regal dresses of light shades of blue and pink. One held the mark on her forehead of a Queen and the other held the mark of a lion's paw print. The little girl with the large afro moved the tall older boy's arm out of her way so she could see them approach. Then from her petite frame, she released a very loud noise that had some of her other siblings covering their ears in annoyance. "Hurry Momma Hafsa! You too, Mother Queen!"

"Amisi, you do not need to yell to all of Egypt!" Chastised one of the women as they both kept their pace and walked to where their children had gathered. Her light pink dress flowed around her and highlighted the mark of the lion on her forehead. She turned to the other woman at her side and shook her head. "Asa, I think Amisi thinks she's a bird and not of lion blood." Many children of various sizes and colors ran all around them bearing the various marks of royalty and high society status.

"At least she hasn't learned to roar yet. This one here seemed to have learned in the womb." Asa responded as she looked down at her youngest son who held onto her dress and attempted to pull her along with the other children. "We are coming, Tau! Your claws in mommy's dress are not going to make me move faster."

"So, you're just going to leave me today!"

All the children turned around at the sound of the booming voice with enthusiasm. A tall regal demon jogged down the hallway followed by two servants who were trying desperately to catch his items as he rushed to take them off and join the group. It seemed that all at once, the children turned immediately and abandoned the women and the wall to rush backward towards the single man that they all referred to in various loving references. The two women in the front turned as well and smiled with interest and curiosity as the large demon approached them with happiness and relief. They watched as he bent and picked up as many children as he could into his arms and the rest reached to climb and hold onto his big broad shoulders. He laughed as he played with them all and spoke kindly to them. One of the little ones reached for the crown that sat on his head and he quickly shifted them to the side to put it out of reach.

"Seti, we thought you were busy this morning. What happened?" Spoke Hafsa as the large demon staggered towards her and kissed her on the forehead.

"It was an easy problem to fix that didn't need a lot of my time. I appointed a new accountant to look over the goods moving from Alexandria to Thebes. Jak is young, fresh from his father's house. But he is willing to prove himself and his family. So I gave him the job of overseeing the trade." He explained as he set a few of the children down and walked over to Asa. He bent down to kiss her on the forehead as well.

"Well you can join us for fun in the gardens," Asa said as she bent to pick up her son and hold him.

"That is if we ever make it. We made the mistake of telling your children that their favorite relative's immortalized work is done." Hafsa cut in as the children all ran back to the mural on the wall, this time pulling their father along with them.

"Look at Aunt Ororo and Uncle Sessh! Anubis house is alight today!" Sighed Amisi dreamily. Her many bracelets chimed as she moved her hands along the wall.

"Let's see what my people have commissioned," Seti spoke excitedly as the kids bounced and pointed. He walked forward until he stood before the large wall made up of colorful paints, glass, bright stones, and other elements. Seti smiled as his wives and children, looked upon the image before them and spoke excitedly about its completion.

A dark-skinned woman sat on a richly decorated throne wearing the garbs of a Pharaoh Queen. Her eyes were a rich royal blue, and her hair was engraved like rolls of soft white cotton. Behind her were some women dressed in Egyptian attire and three with odd clothing, facial features, and skin tones. The regal woman sat across an equally seated regal man with features of Anubis. He had the skin tone of marble and hair that stretched to the floor behind him. Weapons of various kinds were at his waist and his eyes were bright as gold. Behind him were men that had the faces of Anubis as well. At their feet were smaller bodies that represented their children. Everything about the pair clashed from their royal garbs to their facial features. The woman resembled an Egyptian female, but the man looked as if he was some foreign entity. Yet, on their lips were the faintest of smiles as they looked towards each other with their palms stretched out and connected. On their foreheads shined the crescent moon and the golden ankh. Above their bodies shined the moon that eclipsed the sun with rays shining down from the heavens. The whole mural was colorful with many gold accents and gems everywhere. Hieroglyphics surrounded the mural and spoke of a lesson to be learned like the many others that came before it.

Without realizing it, time had gone by as the adults looked fondly at the image for various reasons beyond its beauty and artistic magnificence. The children had touched and spoke excitedly about the pair and rushed off down the halls towards their original destination. One by one, the adults began to leave until only Seti, Amisi, and the tall boy stood gazing up at the mural. Seti looked down to see Amisi run her small delicate hands over her aunt's and uncle's names printed alongside the mural. He watched with adoration as his son moved his finger along to help her read the message around their shining image. He moved closer and joined in with his son as he too read aloud the advice that Ororo and Sesshomaru both wanted to share with him.

"Whoever would be a teacher of men let him begin by teaching himself before teaching others, and let him teach by example before teaching by word. For he who teaches himself and rectifies his own ways is more deserving of respect, honor, and reverence than he who would teach others and rectify their ways. What better teacher we have found than the teachings of travel. Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends."

The little girl looked to her father with her eyebrows drawn in and frowned. "Papa, what's bigotry?"

Seti shook his head and bent down to her level. "I'll explain when you get older. Right now, little Queen, you don't have any which is a very good thing." He playfully nipped her nose and she reached to push him away. Seti chuckled as the little girl laughed and rushed off thinking he would chase her. Seti shook his head and stood back up, stretching his limbs as he did so. He took a step forward and stilled, noticing his oldest son had not moved but continued to look upon the mural.

"Amun?" He asked as he walked over to his son, Amunhotep.

The boy looked up at his father and then looked back at the mural. "I hope to be as strong as you, Aunt Ororo, and Uncle Sess, one day."

Seti put his hand on his son's shoulder and looked back up at the wall. "Well son...if you keep their lessons close to you and try your best, I'm sure your strength will be profoundly greater than any king and queen before you." Seti looked again at his son and smirked. He reached for his crown and took it off shocking the young boy who looked up at him. He casually placed it upon his son's head, chuckling as it almost blinded him with its size and weight. The boy scrambled to straighten it when he peeked to see his father already walking away. "My head was getting hot. You hold it for a little bit." Seti stopped in his tracks and looked backward with a smirk. "I'll have your mother send a letter to Ororo. I think it's time for another visit. Maybe this time you can go visit them for a while. Let the skies teach you. And learn from Anubis."

"Really!" The boy yelled excitedly as his father turned the corner out of sight. "Dad!" Amenhotep yelled as he raced after his father eagerly while trying to keep the new burden upon his head steady and out of his eyes so he could see the path before him with clarity.

The End

*Bows Humbly*

*Curtain Closes*

For those interested in the quotes featured -they quotes merged together. They are quotes from my favorite poets Khalil Gibron and Maya Angelou.

Bonus Sess/Ororo Content

Title: Currents by TheReddQueen

Chapter 1

Light rain poured over lush green lands. The leaves and trees swayed with the brush of the wind. Droplets tapped the worn wood of the pagoda where its mistress rested. Mist rolled from the hills and blanketed the land. All was quiet and still for a moment. Ororo lay in the tub of cool water. White petals floated on the top of the surface. The sweet scents of hibiscus and sakura perfumed the air along with a mixture of oils and creams that sat in bowls around the bath. Hands danced on the softness of skin before lowering back into the water to wade.

Beads of water dripped from the nape of her neck and down her jawline. Slender fingers danced in the ripples of the water. She took the tip of her finger and bit her index finger in contemplation. Blue eyes searched the green expanse of the lotus fields stretched around her estate. The calming taste of the prepared matcha danced on her tongue. The pot still soldered in the corner. Its steam rises from the tops of the pot and rolls into the misty air. Her bones melted in the water as she sat silent pondering ways to help her mate. His powerful aura caressed her from inside the estate. Its reach having since grown thrice as much since their last visit to her homeland.

She preened as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of her forehead. The relief she felt made her sigh happily. The beating of a heartbeat drummed with her own and she turned her head in anticipation of her noon visitor. Her eyes danced to see her mate come to her side and take off the outer layers of his hirori. She watched him throw his shirt somewhere to the side before he settled along the bath's edge and poured some oil into his hand. He immediately began to reach for her leg buried under the water's surface. His clawed fingers roamed reverently over her foot and lifted her leg out of the water. She watched fascinated as he massaged the oil into her foot and leg before kissing the high arch. His golden eyes watched her intensely with a smoldering expression.

Sesshomaru sighed deeply feeling the relaxing emotions thrumming through his mate. A desired reprieve he had hoped would find her that day with all things considered. He watched as she sighed and then a rough cough caught her in her chest. She hackled a bit before settling down. Her neck and ears were flushed. He paused and watched her relax back into the bath contentedly. He placed her foot back into the water before doing the same to the other leg. His hands wandered higher finding her more delectable that day than any other day. He moved to sit lower against the tub. He washed her soothingly and massaged her skin delicately. Nothing was left untouched. His hands silently brushed the tops of her full breasts. The memory and joy of seeing her feed their young from her. His hands languished past the roundness of her belly.

His fingers danced with mischief underneath the water's edge. Soon finding the pearl and gently massaged the sensitive flesh. He watched in rapture as his mate mewled and sang praises as he worked her. Desire mixed with the floral scents and caught his nose. Her eyes fluttered until they closed completely. Her body arched and her fingers clutched the bath's edge. Knuckles turning white from the strain. Luscious thick white hair danced on the water's edge. Her head titled back in passion and hunger. Heated amber orbs watched in rapt fascination and want as she came undone before him. He would never tire of this for the rest of his life. His name repeated like a mantra into the misty air. His body had moved to hover over the bath while one hand reached behind her neck and the other brought her to completion. A cry left her lips and the water splashed from the sides. He held her and guided her through her org*sm and another cough before she fully settled back comfortably in her bath.

The rain fell in rhythm with the beating of her heart. Her legs bent in the water as she sought to ground herself instead of dancing with the mist. Her lips were raw from biting them roughly so much over the last couple of days. The aftershocks rocked through her sensitive bones until she lay in vibration. His hands unraveled from her core, and he moved to rub her knees thoughtfully. The undershirt he had worn was now wet from his ministrations. A rumble left his chest at seeing his mate so thoroughly relaxed and provided for. Her cares were nonexistent as she allowed him to pamper her. The quietness of the high morning settled between them thoughtfully. A soft moment of reprieve that was a rare jewel to find.

"You feel better, mate." He vocalized looking at the color of her cheeks and the skin around her eyes.

"Indeed." She muttered as she tilted her head to the side enjoying the attention very much so. It was something she would never rob herself of. "I just have a minor cough this morning. I believe this is the end of it." She hummed as he shifted closer towards where her shoulders rested. He leaned forward and kissed this skin there in gratitude. "This batch is really testing me. Genes of yours." She snickered feeling his smirk against her wet skin.

"Speaking of pups, Taiyo." He simply stated watching her interest piqued.

"What has our son done today?" She casually asked brushing her arms gently.

"Taiyo, Amun, Touga, Moroha, and Ryuya thought it would be ostentatious to practice the Wind Scar technique without supervision."

"Oh no," Ororo mumbled with a smile. "And our son…" She sat up with interest disturbing the water's edge. "What did he contribute?"

"The wind," Sesshomaru said with a grumble thinking of the devastation that did to nearby farms. "And to the destruction of crops."

Ororo snickered with mirth. "I bet Kagome was livid. And Inuyasha! They shouldn't be sneaking about using weapons just yet. How did they get the weapon in the first place?"

"A mystery I care to keep. I didn't tell them," Sesshomaru responded as he leaned away from the tub. "This one now has them in his debt again."

Ororo laughed thinking about the last debt that was owed. The two just couldn't contain themselves. Everything was a lesson. A challenge. A game. And an experience. Like true cousins, they bickered and went on adventures that landed them in more trouble than what was owed. The troop usually was all together including Sango's older girls who were now elite slayers. But they had taken on more work now that Spring had arrived. An aging spell slowed the process of their growing family. Ororo opened her mouth to say something when a flush of demonic energy captured their attention. Both shared a look before she made to stand up.

Sesshomaru helped her gently out of the tub and dried her off. His hand lingered around the plump roundness of her belly where his girls lay tucked away in the wound. Already he felt their tiny auras cling to him and their mother. A protective and fierce call pulled to his heartstrings. He helped her dress given her lack of mobility these days with the girls. This pregnancy was rough, yet she was taking it in stride. Her body glowed underneath his gaze and warmed with that of the sun. In-kind, she helped him put back on the layers of his shirt. The soft gown fell around her body and the outer layer of her kimono covered her shoulders. She brushed a kiss to the inside of his palm. The pulse of energy with more came about. They rushed with haste through their home to the front of their estate.

Ororo's face pinched to see her boys out of breath and waiting at the bottom of the steps. "Taiyo and Amun? What is it?" Sesshomaru walked the rest of the steps down to look them over.

"Big ships on the shore! With faces I've never seen before. Pale faces." Taiyo said as he stood before his father and mother. His thick white hair was cropped in a silvery mohawk. The colors of his father's house decorated the sleeves of his hirori and pants.

"Qal aljiniral Kenji bialeawdat 'iilaa almanzili. anah ghayr aman." Amun followed, speaking in his mother tongue.(General Kenji said to go home. It is not safe.)

Amun's long black ponytail sat on top of his head. His arms held the symbols of the soon-to-be prince of the Egyptian throne. Her beloved nephew had come to spend yet another summer with her much to her adoration. She stepped down the steps and kissed both boys on the forehead and read blessings over their lives during their stay at the Inu Clan's B-day. General Kenji rushed through the clearing with his men. The Inu Clan stopped and made way as he came to stop before them. His aura spiked to alert Iset who was caring for their newborn in their summer home. He stopped before their steps and handed Sesshomaru a scroll. Immediately, he opened the scroll up and Ororo went to his side to read with him. Her brows furrowed before she turned her head to look up at him.

"Mate, who is Nobunaga Oda and this Yasuke?" Ororo looked to Sesshomaru's who's eyes immediately narrowed and aura flared.

Should I do more little updates?

The Perfect Storm - Chapter 52 - thereddqueen - InuYasha (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.