The Truth with Lisa Boothe: A Parent's Story with Erin Friday - The Truth with Lisa Boothe | iHeart (2024)

Speaker 1 (00:00):
I want you to picture this scenario. What would you
do if your daughter came home from her seventh grade
sex ed class telling you that she was taught that
they could have a female body with the male brain.
That in seventh grade they were being taught about transgender ideology?
What would you do? That was a reality for one

California mom. Her name is Aaron Friday, and she's going
to share her family's story with us about what happened
when she confronted her daughter's school and why she's now
leading the charge to protect daughters across the country, sons
across the country from this radical ideology. Aaron Friday is

part of the executive committee of Protect Kids California, and
she's also part of or Duty USA. Trust me, you're
not going to want to miss her story. Stay tuned
for Aaron Friday. Well, Aeron, I appreciate you taking the
time to come on the show. You've got an important story,

an important thing that happened to your family to tell
us about. So I appreciate you making the time. Well,
thank you so much for inviting me. I appreciate it. So, Aaron,
take us through sort of, you know, your journey to
to what you're doing today. So your daughter at one
point believed she was a boy. She was introduced to
transgender ideology in sex class in seventh grade. What was

she told in seventh grade? Well, so they are given
a five hour course on sex ed and there is
an entire hour that is all about gender identity, and
it has little cartoons that says, you can be have
a female body with a male brain and vice versa.

You can be transgender, you can be you know, all
these different genders. They use, even the terms pan sexual,
and remember these kids are eleven. Pan Sexual means you
you will engage in sexual acts with anyone eleven year
old kids. So that was my first opening to that

there's something going on at our public schools. And I
was quite shocked because I was a volunteer at the school,
so it's not like I was a missing parent. I
was at that school all the time, and to learn
that they were teaching this garbage was quite shocking to me.
And that was the opening to something's going on. And

all of her friends came over to my house after
the sex d course, and all of them picked a
gender identity that was different than you know, straight white girl.
I mean I'm thirty eight and I don't even know
what pants, so it's pretty alarming that they're teaching this
to kids that young. So so you said that after that,
I mean the other kids in the class. Now, now

they have adopted in their minds that you know, there
was something that they had previously not thought of before
being indoctrinated with this in seventh grade class. That's correct.
That's how quick it was. Because I believe that the
kids were taught, you know, it's boring to be a
straight girl, and so they all picked something on the
LGBTQ alphabet, every single one of them, five out of five.

And you know, of course, I was shocked. I went
to the parenting class on what they were teaching our kids,
and I was amazed at the nonsense that they were teaching.
And I was more amazed by the fact that I
was the only person raising their hand and interrupting and saying,
this is not true, this is garbage. I had no

idea that I was supposed to stay quiet and just
listen and be in doctrinate at myself. And then you
fast forward to the pandemic and when my daughter was
living her life in a virtual reality, not able to
go to school, you know, locked in her room, no friends, loneliness.

She spent a lot of time on the Internet, and
that seed that was planted in seventh grade that you
could be born in the wrong body started to Germany
and grow, and she moved from a very girly girl,
where I mean literally she wanted her room painted pink.
She was sparkles all the time to this dark kid

wearing giant sweatshirts, kind of skater clothes, and then came
out with this transgender identity, which I found out by
listening to her school teachers call her by a male name.
So they had already started calling your daughter by a
male name and using male pronouns without your permission. That's correct.

And what's interesting is that she had started her freshman
year during COVID, so these teachers had never even met her.
She never stepped foot into that school. And these teachers
thought that they were better parents than I was, and
thought that they should go ahead and change her name,
change her pronouns, and not bring me into the conversation, which,

of course I went ballistic on them. I'm an attorney,
so I'm no wallflower, and I laid into them pretty hard.
And their response was, we need to be the safe
space for your child, and that to me was triggering
safe safe from whom from her loving parents, who she's

right down the hall from. And I got the answer
to that because CPS Child Protective Services showed up at
my house, as did a police officer, signaling to me
that these teachers who had never met me either thought
that I was abusive by not accepting my daughter, who
came out of my body, who I raised as a boy.

And that began the journey of my transgender journey with
my daughter, which I was very blessed because I was
able to quit my job and focus entirely on getting
my daughter well, because that's what it is these children.
There are no transgender children. There are children who are indoctrinated,

and there are children with acute distress over their bodies
or something else. Usually it's something else. So my daughter
was severely depressed, and the Internet told her that all
of that depression and all that anxiety would just magically
disappear if she became a boy. This is the lie.

And then they teach these kids that your mom and
dad won't accept your transgender identity. Are biggot hateful. You
should disengage with them. It's so cult like. So you
tell a child that the people who love them the
most actually don't love them, and now you're creating a
child who is severely depressed and potentially suicidal because now

they're hearing their family doesn't love them. What a horrible
thing to do to a child. And that's what a
transgender child is. So you raise questions and they send
the police and Child Protected Services to your house and
to try to send you a message. Yes, and they

did it under the guys. They said, oh, we think
she's suicidal. So they tried to cover themselves. But the
guys is shut up, right, I mean, that's that's what
they were trying to do with it. It sounds like
the back down, shut up, get out of this. Absolutely.
It was a sign what they what they didn't expect

is to come to an attorney's home and have me
tell them to bug off. Yeah, and then I pulled up.
Of course, I pulled my kid from the from the
public school. Which is interesting too, because these teachers who
wanted to have a safe space quote unquote for my daughter,
they never called. They never called to see how she
was doing. They didn't care. You know, it's all a

bunch of bs that these teachers care so much about
these children and they want to make sure these children
are pretty tectic from their own parents. They knew nothing
of my daughter. They couldn't tell me one fact about
my daughter. They'd never seen her. And is there a
point to create a safe space or a corruptive space?
It's all language. I mean, they want to have these

kids transitioned. I don't understand why why teachers would be
doing this. Is it virtual signaling. Look, I'm a Democrat,
I'm in California. I was as liberal as they come.
I can't say that anymore. But what they're doing to
families and to kids is just unbelievable. That teachers think

that they have the right to parent our kids. They don't.
Our constitution gives the parents the rights. There are children.
So when you bring this to the school and you
raise concerns, what was the response? You know, what did
they say to you? Exactly what I said, We need

to be a safe space. And then they said, the
law requires that we call her the name that she requests. Well,
I asked them to show me the law, and they
couldn't because there is no law, not anywhere in the
United States. There's not one law on the books that
requires schools to deceive parents, not a one. So they

couldn't point it. They couldn't show me the law. There's
policies that are written, but policy is not law. And
I was reading somewhere that your daughter had gotten into
anime and the social media, and those two things played
a big role in sort of confusing her and putting
her down that path. Why do you think those two
things specifically talk about the role they played and why

you think that is and was? Well, anime is fantasy world,
it's cartoon. It's not real. Video games not real, Internet
not real. You can create an avatar. You can change
your skin in these video games, so you can be
a female and go to be a male and you

can take on that PERSONA anime moves into henta, which
is a p*rnographic cartoons, really p*rnographic and really disturbing. And
once a child is into anime, they get pushed by
the algorithms into the hent framework where older people push them.

As soon as a child puts on their Instagram account
FtM female to male or male MTF male to female.
It's a beacon for pedophiles and for sexually depraved people
to find these kids, and then they push p*rnography on them.
And it's p*rnography that would make your hair stand on end.

It's so foul and disgusting, and it's two kids. Kids
don't have the mental capacity to comprehend what they are watching,
and it warps them. When these kids come out as
transgender too, and they post that on the internet, because
this is a badge of honor. This is all related
to DEI discrimination, inclusion and equity, because these kids, they

don't want to be the oppressor. They want to be
the victim. What better way to be a victim than
to jump into the LGBTQ bucket. Once they do that
and they put that online, they get into these communities
of LGBTQ communities and it's not really the L and
the G and the B, it's the T. It's the
T and the Q, and they prey upon these kids.

When you talk to any d transitioner and you ask
them about what the role of p*rnography was in their transition,
they're all going to say that it played a role.
Because this is all tied in together. This is all
about depravity, queering our country, taking what is normal and

turning it upside down. Boy is girl, girl is boy?
Non binary? I mean, what the heck is non binary?
You cannot be anything other than a female or male.
That's it. That's it even intersects people. So it's all
designed to pray on these vulnerable kids' minds. And you know,
it hits the kids who are lonely, who are not

the Lululemon sports kids. This is who it preys upon,
autistic kids. It goes after the low hanging fruit. And
of course it makes the kids' mental health worse. Suicide
rates go up when the child says that they're transgender,
because it's confusing, and it's telling a child that everything

is wrong with them. They were born wrong, they were
a mistake. Their voice, the way they walk, the way
they talk, the way they move their genitals, their hands,
their neck, their hair growth is all wrong. That's a
horrible thing to do to a kid. Everything is wrong
with you, child. And the old way to fix it
is to medicalize, is to cut off part of your

body parts, is to pump experimental drugs into your body,
and then you will be your true self and your
wonderful self, but right now you're wrong. We'll fix you. Though,
we'll fix you. It's such a hateful movement. And that's
why I have now that my daughter is back to
believing and celebrating that she's a female. I mean almost

to the point of where I would maybe take a
couple of those big sweatshirts now. But she's seventeen, and
she's very proud of her female physique and happy being
a female. And how I listened to one of the
doctors who told me to transition her, one of the psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers.
Where would my daughter be right now? Quick commercial break

more with Aaron on the other side. What does she
say about it now? In hindsight, you know, it's really
hard for her to talk about it. She's still a minor.
Her brain is still forming. She doesn't like to talk
about it. I think it's an embarrassment. She has said
thank you multiple times for me working so hard to

get her out of it. You know, we're in California.
She sees it all day long. Does she still have
a brain that thinks that there may be truly transgender
people out there? Probably? How can she not our buses
are raped in trans flags. Our schools, even our Catholic
schools are filled with trans flags. Teachers are still calling

girls boys' names. It's everywhere. But for her, at least
for her, she doesn't believe that she's transgender. So that's
a win. But you know, this is a long fight.
We're gonna we have to fight this. We see it
with Target, I mean, everyone sees it. It's too biguitous,
it's everywhere. So these kids' minds are still forming, and

all the mess to them is that, you know, being
trans is liberating, it's great. Well, of course, there's not
much of a discussion about the impact two kids. You know.
I've had Chloe Cole on the show before and she's
told me about the pain that she went through, the
struggles she went through, the fact that she still has
pain from you know, the double missectomy and some of

these other things, you know, and there's no conversation around
what this does to a child's body, That we're permanently
damaging a child's body, that we're doing potentially a you know,
irreversible harm to these young people. They don't talk about it.
And I know Chloe really well, I do a lot

of work with the de transitioners. That's not talked about.
I'm working with a gentleman right now. Who I mean.
He had bottom surgery. The doctors don't know what to
do with him. He has infection after infection, you know,
his neo vagin* has closed. Because he doesn't want to
be a trans woman anymore. The doctors don't know what

to do. They tell him, we don't know whether it's
better for you to be on estrogen or testosterone because
he doesn't make any natural hormones anymore. There's so many
detrans women whose uteruses have atrophied and so sex is
painful for them. Going to the bathroom is painful for them.

And they're twenty one years old. Their whole life is
going to be filled with pain, and no doctor knows
how to fix it. They're all walking experiments and it
is just absolute Frankenstein medicine. I cannot believe that we're
even having this discussion, that we are removing healthy breasts

of young girls. We have a young girl in California
at the age of twelve. She was approved for a
double mass sectomy. Just weeks into her thirteenth birthday. They
removed her breast. She had a mental health file that
was inches thick, and they still did it to this

young girl. What are we doing? What's crazy about that
is if a twelve year old girl went in to
get implants, they would probably be taken away from their
parents and you know that surgeon would be facing you know,
legal repercussions. Right. So, we're in such a strange place

where somehow the removal of the breasts or that's not
an issue, or the removal of a you know, it
really is just we're in an upside down world right now,
and we need people like you to help us find
our way out of it. Talk about what you're doing
with protect kids California and what people should know about it. Yeah,

so in California, we're really we get to make our
own laws through the ballot initiative because none of the
lawmakers in Sacramento are listening to us. There's only one lawmaker,
Republican assembly Member Bill A. Sale, who put forth a
law to safeguard our kids. Everyone else sits there silently.

They might give us the thumbs up, but they won't
do anything because they're too afraid. So we the people
are doing it on our own. So I'm on the
Executive Committee for Protect kidsca dot com. It is a
ballot initiative that will get boys out of girls' sports,
bathrooms and changing rooms. It will ban all gender interventions

on miners, and it will prohibit schools from keeping secrets
from their parents when the child is struggling with gender issues.
So it's a big initiative. It has polling in California,
the liberal state of cal California, seventy five percent of

voters are against mutilating children, sixty eight percent are against
schools lying to parents, and sixty four percent are against
boys being in female sports. We have the polling even
in a liberal state. We just need to get it
on the ballot, which takes millions of dollars. Anyone can

donate to. Anyone in any state can donate, and they
should because here's the thing. California is a trans sanctuary state.
That means all the bands, the band in Tennessee, a
child from Tennessee, if he or she can make her
way to California, we take them in and we will

transition them, even away from their parents. So no child
is safe until California has bands. Any kid can come
to our state. We will take them in, put them
into foster care, and transition them. We also will hide
all the doctors that violate other states laws. We just

passed a bill this year. Gavin Newsom signed a bill
that will hide those doctors in Florida who do these
monstrous surgeries on kids. As long as they get to California,
they're safe. The long arm of the law will not
capture them. So nothing ends until it ends in California.

So TECHTKIDSCA dot com has to be a national issue.
We have to pass this. We have to get it
on the ballot. It's the only way we change our
country back to reality. And I'll tell you, if California
comes back to reality and safeguard's kids, so will the
rest of the country and potentially the rest of the

world because people watch what we do. And again, I'm
a Democrat fighting this. There's a lot of Democrats that
are against this, and we're all lining up. We're holding
hands with conservatives and we're going to get this done
because parents, they messed with the wrong people when they
went after our kids. We lay down our lives for
our children. You know, before we go, you talked about

the numbers and how you know majorities are with you
on this, yet you had talked about before. When you're
asking questions, parents remained silent or you know, lawmakers might
give you the thumbs up, but they're not being vocal
about it. So what do you think creates kind of
this culture of fear and what do you think we
should do about it? Well, I think there's fear, but

when you are filling out your ballot, you're doing that
in your home and nobody knows what you're voting. People
are afraid. Look, I've been dockxed. I could care less.
I didn't even know it happened. That's how much it
affected me. I used to use a pseudonym because I
was afraid. We have to stop being afraid. It's really

a fringe group that is pushing this gender identity garbage.
We're way more numerous and people have to stop being
afraid about losing their jobs. Lose your job in soup,
you're afraid about losing friends. Lose your friends and make
new ones. What is more important than safeguarding kids? Where
are people's morality If they're not going to stand up

for kids, they have none. I'm tired of hearing that
people are afraid. I've been doing this for four years, relentlessly,
sixteen hours a day, with very few breaks. If everyone
who was against the transgender movement would write a check,
would put some time in, this could be over in
twenty twenty four. We can end it this year, quick

commercial break. Stay with us. It's hard to even wrap
our heads around that this is real and it's going on,
and it's disturbing and it has long lasting impacts on
so many young people, both from a physical perspective and
then also just you know, mentally. So the website is
protect kidsca dot com. Is that correct? And then also

where else can they go to help and to follow
your work. I'm also a co lead of a group
called Our Duty dot group and that is turning into
a nonprofit and that's where parents can go when they
need help, grandparents and people who want to volunteer. Our
Duty also has a sub stack that I mainly write for.

And then where can they find information about Our Duty?
Is their website? They could go to, Yes, it's Our
Duty dot group dot com. Great Aaron Friday, appreciate you
sharing your family story with us and just leading the
charge on this really important issue. We really appreciate your
time and just appreciate the work that you put into this,

and I'm sure so many parents across the country really
do well. Thank you so much for having me, and
everyone can do something to end this, and everyone must.
That was Aaron Friday. What a story with what she
went through with her daughter and her family and just
fighting against this. We appreciate her taking the time. Appreciate

you at home for listening every Monday and Thursday. You
can listen throughout the week. I want to thank my
producer John Castio and Drew Steele who stepped in this
week for putting the show together. Until next time.

The Truth with Lisa Boothe: A Parent's Story with Erin Friday - The Truth with Lisa Boothe | iHeart (2024)
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